Helping You Get Better Through Alternative Medicine



With whole-body health in mind, our treatments can treat various symptoms and conditions that interfere with your daily living. Countless patients have walked through our doors and reported back to us that with regular therapies, they have been able to optimize their health and live their lives without pain and discomfort. Here are the most common symptoms and conditions we treat.


Sciatica is the pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve, affecting the lower back through the hips, buttocks, and legs. It mainly affects only one side of the body. Pain associated with sciatica can be excruciating to the point where significant leg weakness can be observed. People suffering from sciatica may also experience numbness, tingling sensation, and muscle weakness in the affected area. Most factors that trigger sciatica may be sitting too long, being overweight, and wearing wrong-sized clothes and shoes. We have helped patients relieve their pain quickly, safely & effectively. A perfect fit to combine with our gua sha, tui na and fascia blasting treatments.


Neck pain is a common issue alternative medicine patients usually have. Poor posture, text neck, computer work and osteoarthritis are common causes of neck pain, but they can also be a symptom of a more severe problem. If you have been experiencing muscle tightness and spasms around your neck, pain that usually worsens by holding your head in the same place for a longer time, constant headache, or lesser head mobility, you may greatly benefit from acupuncture treatment. 

We have helped patients relieve their pain quickly, safely & effectively. A perfect fit to combine with our gua sha, tui na and fascia blasting treatments.


Piriformis syndrome is a neuromuscular disorder wherein the piriformis muscle located in the buttocks compresses the sciatic nerve and spasms. The symptoms usually begin with pain, tingling, or numbness in the buttock area that may progress to severe pain and extend down the sciatic nerve. Most activities that trigger the pain include sitting for longer times, applying firm pressure over the piriformis muscle, and climbing the stairs. 

We have helped patients relieve their pain quickly, safely & effectively. A perfect fit to combine with our gua sha, tui na and fascia blasting treatments.


Osteoarthritis is a condition that commonly affects the joints in the spine, hands, hips, and knees. It is the most common form of arthritis that affects millions of people globally. While there is no known permanent cure for this condition, many studies have shown that acupuncture effectively relieves pain and stiffness for individuals with osteoarthritis. Some of the most common symptoms of osteoarthritis include joint tenderness, decreased flexibility, popping or crackling joints, bone spurs, and swelling. 

We have helped patients relieve their pain quickly, safely & effectively. A perfect fit to combine with our gua sha, tui na and fascia blasting treatments.


Hip pain is a common concern of many adults that may be a symptom of an underlying cause. Most causes of hip pain can be arthritis, hip fractures, bursitis, tendinitis, muscle strains, and more. The pain may be felt in various areas, including the thigh, groin, buttocks, and inside and outside the hip joint. In some cases, hip pain may even cause limping due to severe, persistent pain. For this condition, acupuncture is an excellent way to manage the pain without taking over-the-counter medication. 

We have helped patients relieve their pain quickly, safely & effectively. A perfect fit to combine with our gua sha, tui na and fascia blasting treatments.


Tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow are similar conditions occurring outside the elbow, causing pain that may spread into the forearm and wrist. It usually happens to individuals who participate in racket sports, throwing sports, weight training, and forceful, repetitive occupational movements. Some of the most common symptoms of these conditions include pain and tenderness, stiffness, weakness, and numbness or tingling. In most cases, rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain relievers ease the pain, but acupuncture can encourage rapid healing to get you back on track faster. 

We have helped patients relieve their pain quickly, safely & effectively. A perfect fit to combine with our gua sha, tui na and fascia blasting treatments.





Alternative medicine can be incorporated into your existing treatment plan to encourage your body’s natural healing components and promote rapid healing. At Acupuncture Physicians Group, our services are performed by a board-certified acupuncture physician to ensure your safety and optimal results.


Rotator cuff pain is common for people who have jobs that require repetitive overhead motions, such as carpenters and painters. However, many people who experience rotator cuff tears can easily manage their symptoms and return to their daily activities with physical therapy. Aside from dull ache, rotator cuff injury may be accompanied by arm weakness. It can also disturb the injured person’s sleep and make it difficult to reach their back or comb their hair.

We have helped patients relieve their pain quickly, safely & effectively. A perfect fit to combine with our gua sha, tui na and fascia blasting treatments.


Plantar fasciitis is a known cause of heel pain due to the inflammation of a thick band of tissue (fascia) across the bottom of the feet. One of its most common symptoms is the stabbing pain that happens during the first steps in the morning. The pain usually disappears as you continue to move, but it may return after long periods of standing or sudden standing up after long hours of sitting. Persons at greater risk of plantar fasciitis are those who have flat feet or high arches, are overweight, often wear high-heeled shoes, have tight Achilles tendons, and spend many hours standing daily.

We have helped patients relieve their pain quickly, safely & effectively. A perfect fit to combine with our gua sha, tui na and fascia blasting treatments.


Carpal tunnel syndrome starts from the continuous pressure on the median nerve, causing tingling, numbness, and weakness in the hands and arms. Once the condition progresses, you may have less grip strength and experience more pain and muscle cramping. Most people at risk for this condition perform repetitive arm, wrist, and hand motions, such as bakers, cashiers, musicians, sewers, and hairstylists. Women are also more at risk of having carpal tunnel syndrome due to having smaller carpal tunnels than men.

We have helped patients relieve their pain quickly, safely & effectively. A perfect fit to combine with our gua sha, tui na and fascia blasting treatments.


A heel spur is a foot condition where a bony growth called a calcium deposit extends on the underside of the heel bone. It usually starts in the front and underneath the heel but eventually affects the other parts of the foot. Heel spurs are typically painless, but they can cause heel pain. They are primarily associated with plantar fasciitis, but they could also be from excess weight, poorly fitted shoes, running or jogging on hard surfaces, aging, and diabetes. Over-the-counter medications and exercises usually manage pain from heel spurs, but many patients seek acupuncture for longer-lasting pain relief without substance intervention. 

We have helped patients relieve their pain quickly, safely & effectively. A perfect fit to combine with our gua sha, tui na and fascia blasting treatments.


Meniscus tear is a common knee injury affecting the knee’s cartilage that protects the bones from wear and tear. It frequently happens to athletes in contact and non-contact sports when they suddenly change their direction while running. Some common symptoms of a meniscus tear include knee pain, swelling, difficulties in bending the leg, and tendencies of the knee getting locked up. Acupuncture can help quicken the recovery from a meniscus tear, especially if it’s incorporated into a current treatment plan.


Injuries and chronic pain conditions can be challenging to combat, especially if nothing else seems to work. At Acupuncture Physicians Group, we strive to alleviate the pain of individuals through drug-free and non-invasive treatment procedures, letting them recover faster and live their everyday lives without pain or discomfort.