What Is Acupuncture?

If you've never heard of acupuncture before, you're not alone. This alternative medicine has been used for centuries in China and other parts of Asia, but it's only recently begun to gain popularity in the United States.

Acupuncture is a traditional alternative medicine originating from China that involves placing thin needles into the skin at specific points on the body. This is said to help relieve pain from various physical, mental, and emotional conditions. You should know, however, that it may take several sessions before you begin to notice the benefits of the treatment.

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How does Acupuncture Work?

The traditional Chinese belief is that our bodies contain energy pathways, or meridians, that can become blocked. By inserting needles into these points, practitioners believe that they can unblock the meridians and restore balance to the body. If you're considering getting acupuncture treatment, it's important to know what to expect during the procedure.

The first thing your practitioner will do is assess your condition and determine which points need to be targeted. Then, they will clean those points on your skin and insert sterile single-use needles. You may feel slight pricks as each needle is inserted, but most people who’ve taken the treatment say that the sensation is not that of pain.


Various Conditions Acupuncture Can Treat

The following are just among the conditions that can be treated by acupuncture therapy:

●      Stress

●      Headaches

●      Various body pains

●      Post-operative pain

●      Eye strain

●      Feeling of sickness

●      Allergies

●      Nausea and vomiting

●      Repetitive strain injuries

Acupuncture is often used to treat pain, but hundreds of clinical studies show that it also successfully treats conditions such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, and even infertility. This alternative treatment has also attracted attention from numerous researchers for its ability to strengthen the body’s defenses against diseases. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, more research has shown that acupuncture can regulate the body’s immune system, for example, to strengthen anti-cancer and anti-stress immune function and exert anti-inflammation effects.

what is Acupuncture

Is Acupuncture Safe?

As with any treatment, there are risks associated with acupuncture. The most common side effect is bruising or soreness at the needle site. In rare cases, needles may cause internal bleeding, or lead to infections. If you have a bleeding disorder, or are taking blood thinners, you should not receive acupuncture.

If you want to get acupuncture treatment, you must first find a qualified practitioner. Acupuncture is considered safe when conducted by a competent and licensed professional, but there are always hazards connected with any medical treatment, which you should discuss with your doctor before proceeding.

Receive Your Acupuncture Treatment from the Experts

The Acupuncture Physicians Group recognizes the benefits that the therapy can deliver, which is why we provide professional, high quality acupuncture services. We also offer a number of therapy treatments for clients who suffer from both acute and chronic pain. When you contact us to schedule an appointment, you can trust that our best acupuncturists will modify our services based on your medical history, personal objectives, and preferences.